Welcome to ITSS-TSaT
International Traveling Summer School on Terahertz Sciences and Technology
Join and learn more about Terahertz technology, an emerging technology that will be at the core of important solutions to the challenges of climate change monitoring, food security, precise agriculture, detection of fake medicines, 6G wireless communications, and stand-off detection of explosives and hazardous substances. You will listen to and interact with more than 25 world-leading experts in the area of THz science, technology, and applications, from academia and industry. And you will work in a small group on a Terahertz challenge project.
All interested Bachelor-, Master-, Ph.D. students, Postdocs, Teachers, End users, and industrial researchers are invited to participate.

The Summer School in 2025
The Summer School in Vilnius is over. It was a great pleasure to have you with us!
The next Summer School will be held in Wien on 13th – 18th of July, 2025. The host institution will be the Technical University Wien.
The lectures and photos of this Summer School will be available for the next three months (at least).
ITSS-TSaT 2024 friends
The International Traveling Summer School on Terahertz Sciences and Technology (formerly known as the Terahertz Technologies & Applications Summer School – TTASS) was organized by one of the participating universities or institutes and took place in a different place every year since 1990. In 2020 the summer school was to take place at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), in The Netherlands, and organized by the Research Group Terahertz Photonic Systems of TU/e. However, due to the situation caused by COVID-19, the summer school was postponed. In 2021, the 30th anniversary took place online. Therefore, the event changed its name since traveling was not permitted. In 2022, the school was back to the common format and was was held in Warshaw (Poland), in 2023 – in Eindhoven (Netherlands).
This year, 2024, the school is coming to Vilnius (Lithuania). From the 14th till 19th July Vilnius University (VU) and Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) will organize THz Technology and Applications Summer School.
The language of the Summer School is English, and the program consists of lectures presenting the newest achievements in Terahertz technologies and applications. The lectures will be followed by discussions and interactions among students, professors, and industry professionals. We will organize visits to companies, group challenges, diverse lab tours, social events, coffees, etc.
We are looking forward to meeting you this summer! Join us for a week of exploration, learning, and interesting interactions.
The ITSS-TSaT Project Team
National Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
The 2024 year school will be held at the National Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (NFTMC), Saulėtekio Ave. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania.
It is the most advanced base for physical, chemical sciences and technology not only in Lithuania but in all Baltic States. It is currently headquartered in a state-of-the-art four-storey building of 27 thousand square meters. Here both innovative science and advanced technologies are developed for business and society needs.
The center unites the best Lithuanian researchers and is equipped with the most modern laboratory facilities. Therefore most of the scientific investigations performed here are unique not only in Lithuania, but also all over the world, and the developed technologies along with the achieved scientific results are recognised at the international level.
The center is located in the renowned Sunrise Valley. “It [Sunrise Valley] is very different from the world-famous Silicon Valley in California. The latter is a project in Business, our Sunrise Valley is an integrated hub for science, education and business” – states Prof. Gintaras Valušis, the director of the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC). Along with FTMC the Valley is also home to the Life Sciences Centre, faculties of Vilnius University, Gediminas Technical University and the modern Scholarly Communication and Information Centre. All of these constituents denote the Sunrise Valley as an ever-growing hub where new innovative ideas take birth.
The visionary outlook and the achievements of NFTMC make it the perfect place to hold ITSS-TSaT. Its principles of openness and striving for perfection align with those of the conference. Therefore we are very happy to invite both students and any interested visitors to the conference as well as the centre at which it will be held.
You can contact ITSS-TSaT by sending an email: oksana.rinkevic@ff.vu.lt or by completing the form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.